Lukas Eigentler

Lukas.Eigentler --AT--

Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick, Warwick Mathematics Institute, The Zeeman Institute for Systems Biology & Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research (SBIDER)

Home Research Publications Talks & Posters Events Teaching CV


Date Event
07/24 XLIV Dynamics Days Europe, Bremen. Invited speaker at minisymposium Vegetation pattern formation PDF PDF
07/24 ECMTB 2024, Toledo. PDF PDF
06/24 Applied Mathematics Seminar, University of Warwick. PDF PDF
05/24 Warwick-Cambridge Quantitative Cell Biology Symposium, University of Warwick. PDF PDF
04/24 QSEB Seminar, University of Warwick. PDF PDF
04/24 MPDEE 2024, University of Leicester. PDF PDF
04/24 BAMC 2024, Newcastle University. Invited speaker at minisymposium Nonlinear systems in biology PDF PDF
02/24 SBIDER Seminar, University of Warwick. PDF PDF
09/23 Modelling Diffusive Systems 2023: Theory & Biological Applications, ICMS, Edinburgh. PDF PDF
07/23 Sheffield Spatial Ecology Workshop, University of Sheffield. PDF PDF
05/23 Applied Mathematics seminar, University of Durham. PDF PDF
03/23 MBRG seminar, Maxwell Institute, Edinburgh. PDF PDF
02/23 FSPM^2 seminar, Universität Bielefeld. PDF PDF
01/23 MoLSS/CMCB seminar, University of Surrey. PDF PDF
12/22 Seminar on Analysis and Numerics of PDEs , Universität Innsbruck. PDF PDF
09/22 Mathematical Biology Seminar , University of St Andrews. PDF PDF
09/22 Microbial communities: current approaches and open challenges, University of Cambridge. PDF PDF PDF Recording
09/22 ECMTB 2022, University of Heidelberg. Reinhart-Heinrich Prize Talk PDF PDF
08/22 Evolution Seminar, University of Bielefeld. PDF PDF
06/22 MPDEE 2022, University of Turin Invited speaker at minisymposium Vegetation. PDF PDF
04/22 Spatial Ecology Workshop, University of Sheffield PDF PDF
04/22 Applied Analysis Seminar, University of Graz (online) PDF PDF
11/21 University of St Andrews Mathematical Biology Seminar (online) PDF PDF
08/21 Workshop on Mathematical Modelling for Biosciences, Yaoundé (online). Invited speaker.PDF PDF
08/21 XL Dynamics Days Europe, Nice (online). Invited speaker at minisymposium Pattern forming fronts in reaction-diffusion equations.PDF PDF
06/21 SMB 2021, UC Riverside (online).PDF PDF
06/21 Subtillery 2021, online.PDF PDF
06/21 Stochastic Models and Experiments in Ecology and Biology 2021, Venice (online).PDF PDF
05/21 Mathematics Seminar University of Dundee. PDF PDF.
04/21 Mathematical Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution 2021, Marseille (online).
01/21 Virtual Asilomar 2021 . PDF PDF.
08/20 eSMB 2020 . PDF PDF.
02/20 Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (DSABNS) 2020, Trento. PDF PDF
10/19 Applied Analysis Seminar at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. PDF PDF.
07/19 Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution 2019, Lyon. PDF PDF.
07/19 Equadiff 2019, Leiden. Invited speaker at minisymposium Nonlocal Dynamical Systems . PDF PDF.
11/18 MACS PhD Seminar, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.
07/18 ECMTB 2018, Lisbon. Invited speaker at minisymposium Spatial Patterns Across Ecology: Differences and Similarities. PDF PDF.
04/18 CDT Colloquium 2018, University of Oxford.
12/17 MACS Christmas Conference, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.


Date Event
01/20 SIAM UKIE Annual Meeting 2020, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh. PDF PDF.
This poster has won an award for best poster at the meeting.
09/19 Philip Maini’s 60th birthday workshop, University of Oxford. PDF PDF.
05/19 LMS Research School: PDEs in Mathematical Biology: Modelling and Analysis, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh. PDF PDF.
02/19 Advances in Pattern Formation: New Questions Motivated by Applications, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. PDF PDF.
04/18 MACS Poster Session, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.
09/17 3rd MIGSAA Annual Colloquium, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh.
Lukas Eigentler: Talks & Posters